You already know how important the content on your website is. Once you've finally gotten users to visit your website, at long last: here is where you sell them your product; inform them about your topic; persuade them about your issue or interest them with your organization.

You know that you must present your content in a visually pleasing way, with simple navigation to guide users through your website. You know that the writing should be engaging and precise.


But have you considered how the writing on your website can influence how search engines rank you?

Technical issues like using pictures instead of text can limit how well search engines see you, and can reduce your ranking that way.


You can also improve your ranking through website content, by ensuring that certain words and phrases are used well and often.

Many search engine "robots" will examine your online website content and choose your ranking based upon the results. If for instance, your website is, your ranking for the keyword "widget" could improve based upon how many times the word "widget" is used in your webwebsite's written content.

It makes sense -- search engines want to provide links to the most relevant webwebsites for each search, so websites that refer often to a particular keyword are most likely to be listed high on the results for that keyword.

Of course, you could simply fill your website up with keywords with little concern for sentence structure or style. That might work in the short term, at least in terms of improving your ranking. But visitors to your website will be dissapointed not to find what they were looking for, and search engines that consider such tactics to be spamming may strip you from results pages altogether.


The best plan is to give your website's content a final edit to search for opportunities to include your keywords. For instance, let's look at the following paragraph:
    Welcome To Wally's Widget World. For 14 years, we've been known for our quality product. A small 'mom-and-pop' store, we've always valued the personalized service we offer each of our customers. Now, with our new online location, we still offer that customer care through our 24 hour call center. Any one of our representatives will be happy to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
A few keywords can be added without much damage to the original message or style:
    Welcome To Wally's Widget World. For 14 years, we've been known for our quality widgets. A small 'mom-and-pop' store, we've always valued the personalized service we offer each of our customers. Now, with our new online location, we still offer that customer care through our 24 hour call center. Any one of our representatives will be happy to help you find exactly what you're looking for, from widget accessories to widget cases.
The difference to the writing is subtle, but could have a significant impact upon search engine ranking, depending upon the popularity of the keywords you choose.


You may wish to sprinkle several different keywords central to your site throughout every page of content.

However, for a more concentrated result, try devoting a page of your website's content to each of your central keywords. If you hope to reach users searching for widgets, widget accessories and widget cases, consider devoting a page of content to each. That way, search engines know exactly what part of your site to lead potential users to, and those new visitors will get exactly what they are looking for from your website.

Optimize6 was created by a group of SEO experts, software developers and web designers in Chicago. Over the years, it became clear that amongst all their clients there were some common goals. First and foremost among them: bringing more people to their websites.
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of assuring a website's high rank within internet search engines. The most important method of SEO is submission of your website information to the most used search engines on the web.